Friday, August 2, 2013

Battle for Monument Hill

Reading other Operation Overlord battle reports inspired me to try something new. In particular, this link off of one of the comments on the OO forum caught my eye and started me thinking:

Here's my attempt at something similar...


  1. Awesome looking batreps. Assuming you used a photo project maker or something similar? Looks great, I think this is the standard to follow.

    1. Thanks! You are correct. I downloaded and used Scribus for the layout and GIMP for editing the photos. I have used GIMP before, but Scribus was completely new to me. It is not the most intuitive software, but it got the job done.

      I would like to get images put together to make the background look like a commanders table (maybe wood with a map and compass....) and then make the images look like photos with grease pin markups.... Not sure I will be able to make it look right, but I will give it a shot!

  2. Hi! Superb report, I like it a lot! I found it on the OO site and then saw you posted a link to my report. :)

    I'm happy you found it inspiring. I’ll be watching you’re blog for more!

    Primoz aka RedDragon

    1. Primoz, your batrep was definitely my inspiration. The one you posted on OO was good, but when I saw the one above that you referenced in a comment, I knew I had to try something similar!
