Monday, June 11, 2012

2dB versus German heavy tanks in Oxford

This is a 700 point Tank Aces game. The map has been changed to Northern Europe. The 3 areas you can play are Operation Overlord, Operation Diadem, and Operation Bagration. The Allies are ahead 1 to 0 but in the second turn the Axis have a firm hold on Diadem and Bagration. With Overlord in good shape The French decided to try to make up some ground in Bagration. By the way, blue arrows in the picture are movement, red arrows are for cannon fire and green arrows are for storm trooper moves.

2nd French Armour
  • 2 M4A1 (76mm) Sherman Tanks
  • 5 M4A2 Sherman Tanks
Heavy Tank Compnay
  • 2 Konigs Tigers
  • 1 Panther recovery vehicle


2nd French Armour
    Heavy Tank Compnay

      2nd French Armour: The way the Scrapyard mission works is the amount of experience you gain is your victory points for your side. If the French stay away it is a win for the French side (4-2). With enough Tactical Edges on the board that may give the German Ace enough courage to try something daring and get in the middle of the main Sherman group. I deployed so I could grab 3 of the 4 Tactical Edges and then run and hide.
      Heavy Tank Compnay: The heavy tank are just looking for targets. One destroyed Sherman and it shifts the balance of power and the game.

      TURN 1

      The far Sherman gets hit by a Konigs Tiger but the crew bails out

      2nd French Armour
      • none
      Heavy Tank Compnay

        TURN 1 SUMMARY
        2nd French Armour: The plan is not going so good. The one Sherman has already been hit and the crew bails. Well, the plan is not working since the one far Sherman has now bogged down so lets start a left hook.
        Heavy Tank Compnay: Unlucky fire power roll by the Konigs Tiger.

        TURN 2

        Both Konigs Tigers hunting down the bogged Sherman but miss in their shots

        With the use of some Tactical Edges the far Sherman is still bogged down

        2nd French Armour
        • none
        Heavy Tank Compnay

          TURN 2 SUMMARY
          2nd French Armour: Wow, held my breath while 2 taking the shots of those big guns. All misses!! Sweet, now just successful unbogged check, right and now for some moving.. but Dalton throws a tactical edge to make me reroll that result. Fail so now I use one and still fail. Oh no!!
          Heavy Tank Compnay: Missed that Sherman!! Aim those shots better boys!!

          TURN 3

          The 2 german tanks can only Bail out the far Sherman

          The other far Sherman moves into cover

          While the trailing Sherman unbogs and then bogs again

          Trying to get back in adn even with a tactical edge the crew is not willing

          2nd French Armour
          • none
          Heavy Tank Compnay

            TURN 3 SUMMARY
            2nd French Armour: Luck may be on my side. Only a bail but yet another round of those two tanks. Come guys get back in and get out of there!!
            Heavy Tank Compnay: Blast!! All gunners verify all optics and loaders verify all ammunition. Kill that tank!!

            TURN 4

            Well, finally got the Sherman even if it is with a double bail motivation check

            Still can't get into the cover!!

            2nd French Armour
            • 1 M4A2 Sherman
            Heavy Tank Compnay

              TURN 4 SUMMARY
              2nd French Armour: Well, have to draw those big tanks in closer to get the side shots. Going to stay in the cover for them to get close. I hope this works.
              Heavy Tank Compnay: Finally, now onto the other group!!

              TURN 5

              Double timing to get closer to the main group of the French

              2nd French Armour
              • 1 M4A2 Sherman
              Heavy Tank Compnay

                TURN 5 SUMMARY
                2nd French Armour: Here they come. Just hold tight. Some one tell that Sherman to follow a path from one of the others!! 3 turns rebogging... Really.
                Heavy Tank Compnay: Need to get closer before the game ends

                TURN 6

                Levesque is bailed from the shooting for the Germans

                A long shot on the recovery vehicle. Getting this would even up the number of kills but he missed.

                2nd French Armour
                • 1 M4A2 Sherman
                Heavy Tank Compnay

                  TURN 6 SUMMARY
                  2nd French Armour: My Ace Francois Levesque and his crew bails out from the firing of the Konigs Tigers. That was lucky. However, it was unlucky he ws able to torm trooper away.
                  Heavy Tank Compnay: These Shermans are tough to dig out. As long as I can storm trooper away I should be just fine.

                  TURN 7

                  The bogged Sherman is blasted by the Germans

                  2nd French Armour
                  • 2 M4A2 Sherman
                  Heavy Tank Compnay

                    TURN 7 SUMMARY
                    2nd French Armour: With the destruction of one more Sherman the best the rench could hope for is a draw.
                    Heavy Tank Compnay: Yes, another Sherman destroyed. Keep up the good work soldats!!

                    TURN 8

                    COMBAT CASUALTY SUMMARY
                    2nd French Armour
                    • 2 M4A2 Sherman
                    Heavy Tank Compnay

                      TURN 8 SUMMARY
                      2nd French Armour: The turn ends at the end of 7
                      Heavy Tank Compnay:
                      It is very hard to fight Konigs Tigers with Shermans. This game turned out to be a 4-4 draw. Thanks for the great game Dalton!! See you next Turn at 900 points.

                      Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.

                      1 comment:

                      1. Nice summaries. I've never played a tactical wargame so this post gave me a lot of insight.
